Hello poets,

Today’s is a Day 7 prompt. So we’re a week long into National Poetry Month. We’re still celebrating aren’t we, by writing?

The prompt is to write a poem using a chosen quotation as an epigraph. The quotations are here.

7) Epigraphical

Here’s my choice.

Nature likes to hide itself
– Heraclitus

That would be man, whose physical
self having fallen off from
an astral plane, would change
with time—shape-shifting from public
to private and to the secret presence,
whose tone, whose depth,
whose light would change
in a mere whisper.
Whose range would sometimes come
out in language, like a poet using
language as a compass
to find God, or meaning,
who is “not all there”,
whose diffidence,
whose jauntiness, is all
concealment, whose connection to
the stars an uninhibition, is
a longing, and a sanction.

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