Hello poets,

First, the obvious. It’s National Poetry Month. This year I’m geared up and raring. A poet friend said it’s the season for resurrections, revivifications.

Second, the announcement. Red Wolf Editions is seeking submissions for a prompt-based anthology. Submissions open 1 April to 30 June 2024, with the anthology targetted for release in July 2024.

For now, it’s pretty much a ghost concept. It’s in the future. While we do not know what’s in the future, the future is definitely coming. But the future is also now, since you poets will be writing to prompts in the month of April, revise and submit by June 2024. Hope that’s happening. You can write to prompts from any source or multiple prompts from multiple sites. Clearly include the prompts and their sources.

Another poet friend just wished me “interesting and blossom-like entries”. It is Spring after all. I just wrote my first prompt-based poem below. The prompt came from Barbara Young, a talented member of our online poetry community. I hope you write along and submit to redwolfeditions. While the contents are presently empty, the title and book cover is already conceived, The World of Prompts. Talk about a leap of faith.

Here’s her prompt site.


Here’s Red Wolf Editions’ site for more details.

The Hamlet Question

Time had come to move the body
in new ways, achieve different postures.
Bend it, crook it, swing it upward like
a toppled cedar tree in a storm
hoisted upright by a force.
Oh, if I had that kind of power!
The ruinous would sob and shake,
but they would be far away.
An obelisk had been erected
for the war dead. You kept
your eyes on their gravestones
and read their names.
Ah, the unknown soldier, whose name’s
effaced, a stone meaning somebody.

The living behaved sometimes like Hamlet.
Sometimes, to be or not to be, is the question
when you ran out of ideas.
Yet in my long life I recall so many firsts–
at first uncertain and pathetic moves;
then you practice daily till
you make it look easy and great.
By then your feet would’ve gotten wet.

Feet getting wet is the prompt guys! Heh heh. Snuck in ‘cedar’ from NaPoWriMo prompt site.

And if you’re not the prompt sort of poet, then you may submit to Red Wolf’s other multi-author anthology, called Wondrous Leaflets. The details are in the site.

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